Saturday, April 9, 2011


Date: 1st of April 2011
Venue: 3rd Year Lab
Time: About 10.30

We have adjusted some of the features of our system according to the feedback given in the previous experiment (such as making movements clockwise and arranging drop-downs from front-to-back).

It was the time for our supervisors to have a look at the system again. So we have invited Dr. Anuja Dharmaratne and Dr. Prasad Wimalaratne to the 3rd year lab. Firstly we have demonstrated the system to Dr. Anuja and Dr. Prasad then joined with us. Subsequently we have showed the functionalists to him as well.

It seemed that Dr. Prasad looked confused about the layout although Dr. Anuja was relatively satisfied. But in the end both of them have pointed out the horizontal nature of the interface caused some kind of a confusion as it deviates from the basic orientation of a computer screen. They said that it would have been better if the interface was a vertical one similar to the computer screen.

After they left the environment we adjusted the setup to a vertical position and tried out the experimnet with ourselves. There we had to place front speakers at the eye level and rear speakers at the ground level. We also felt that there is nothing wrong with that particular setup as well.

So in the end we doubted whether we have gone in the wrong direction from the beginning in our project. This initial set up was mainly based upon a research done by Mauricio Lumbreras, Mariano Barcia and Jaime Sánchez (1996): "A 3D sound hypermedial system for the blind" which has yielded positive results.

Anyway it's clear that now we have to reconsider our approach after getting feedback from few other blind users as well!!!

A diversion?

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